Title: Resolution (Jein’s Journey Series, Book Two)
Author: Cheryllynn Dyess
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
The population of Calastan is thriving and the Governess has decided that they need to expand. She has spoken to the other tribes and has the go ahead to explore Resolution and expand into that territory. The Governess turns to Jein and Yurani to go and explore the new land and start a village that can sustain a new population. In Resolution, they find more than just a land blessed with life and nature, but they also find their lost ancestors. The ones that had explored before and never returned.
As a youth I loved to write and originally set out to deal with life. I never dreamed I would be writing to share with the world. As an adult my writing continued and have always been told I was talented. I finally listened and put my imagination to the test and started to write a book. Amazingly it took very little time to create an entire world and people and story line. This book reflects how I perceive life and how I feel it should really be!
God has given me a great talent, wonderful support team and I'm finally using my gift from him!
Calastan is the first book in the Jein's Journey series that introduces you to Jein in her seventeenth year. Jein is a beautiful young woman who refuses to follow tradition and wants to do things her own way (kinda reflects my personality to the "T").
I am a mother of three and grandmother to one ~ my driving force is to show them to NEVER give up on dreams and goals, they can be reached if you believe.
Links:Facebook – www.facebook.com/cdyesswrites
Ø Twitter - @JeinsJourney
“Yurani,” I say with an expression of utmost seriousness. “Let’s get in the trees and travel high today!” My expression changes immediately into a smile and I jog to the nearest tree that will allow us to get up without any struggle. The trees here are not like the EKkyl trees of Calastan; these trees, although tall and very broad, have limbs much lower to the ground. This makes the climb easy. As we go from limb to limb, climbing higher we take brief moments to look at the land around us. It only took a few minutes to climb to the top where we could see above the top of the forest and look out for miles in every direction. The air was clear and starting to warm. There were no clouds in the sky; just, a beautiful blue hue that hung in the air. The view was truly overwhelming. From here the land resembles Calastan at a brief glance but upon scrutiny you can plainly see the differences.
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