Title: Holding the Link
Author: Hope Welsh
Genre: Paranormal
Blitz Host: Lady
Amber's Tours
Lana Summers and Cole Thomas met while fighting an ancient evil shapeshifter. Now, a month later, Lana is pregnant with their child.
Just when they are trying to cement their relationship, trouble begins once again. Lana begins to receive threatening phone calls. Is the evil shifter, Connall, back or is this new threat merely human?
Can their new relationship survive a new struggle when Lana isn't sure that
anything more than the threats of danger have brought them together? This time, Lana must make a sacrifice no one should have to make to save the man she loves.
The Prophecy
When two become one,
And one becomes two,
Power is true
Lana Summers and Cole Thomas met while fighting an ancient evil shapeshifter. Now, a month later, Lana is pregnant with their child.
Just when they are trying to cement their relationship, trouble begins once again. Lana begins to receive threatening phone calls. Is the evil shifter, Connall, back or is this new threat merely human?
Can their new relationship survive a new struggle when Lana isn't sure that
anything more than the threats of danger have brought them together? This time, Lana must make a sacrifice no one should have to make to save the man she loves.
The Prophecy
When two become one,
And one becomes two,
Power is true
She's been writing since she was in third grade, and has never looked back. She's also published some of her
more steamy stories with various e-publishers using a pen name.
Currently, she lives in Florida. Hope enjoys creating characters that come alive on the pages! Her goal is always to provide an entertaining read that her readers will love.
Hope is available on Twitter @HopeWelsh and her blog is at hopewelsh.blogspot.com -- be sure to check her blog often, as she loves to run contests for her readers.
Buy Links:
http://bit./HTLUS (US) http://amzn.to/10K16Bz (UK)
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