Blog Tour: Piercing the Fold by Venessa Kimball

Meet the Characters of the Piercing the Fold Series By Author Venessa Kimball

Venessa Kimball, author of Piercing the Fold: Book 1 and the soon to release Surfacing the Rim: Book 2,  is dishing about some of the characters in the series. 

And, if you are a “pinner” on Pinterest, Venessa would be thrilled to have you “pin” your dream cast members to the board!  Make sure to contact her through her Facebook pages,  Venessa Kimball Author or Piercing the Fold,  so she can give you access to start pinning!

Without further ado, here are the characters of the Piercing the Fold series!


Jesca Gershon-Sera-  New Dobrian guardian.  Female protagonist, main character.   Independent, strong willed, college student.  Athletic; runner.  Dark brown hair; long and wavy.  Hazel eyes.  Olive skin tone.  5 ft 7.  Home town is Marietta,  Georgia.

Ezra Kahn-  Dobrian guardian/mentor to Jesca.  Professor of the sciences (astonomy, physics). Copper brown, unruly  hair with some graying.  In his mid-40s.  Light brown eyes. Medium build. about 6ft.

Elisha Montgomery-  Jesca's best friend back in Marietta, GA .  Free spirited,  feisty, and  rebellious.  5 ft 3.  Petite. Penny red, curly hair.  Light blue eyes. Light skin tone. 

Roan Sera- Jesca's adoptive father.  Blue eyes.  5 ft 8.  Graying  medium  brown hair. Light skin tone.

Delilah Sera- Jesca's adoptive mother.  Brown eyes.  5t 3.  Dark brown hair, no gray-surely dyed. Light skin tone.

Anna Gershon- Jesca's biological mother. Dobrian guardian.   Hazel eyes like Jesca's.  Dark brown  hair. Medium olive skin tone.  5ft 9.  Killed in a “so called” accident.  

Nathaniel (Nate)  Sera- New Dobrian guardian.  Son of Julius and Simone Sera. Light golden brown. Clean cut wavy hair.  Striking, hazel eyes( more blue than green).  About 6ft.  Lean and muscular; swimmer physique.  Olive skin tone. Jesca is "linked" to Nate.  Level headed. 

Sebastian Onoch-  Physicist working for US government.  5ft 9.  Slender physique.  Graying dark brown hair. Blue eyes. Light skin tone. Creator of the copula.  Original Dobrian guardian. 

Website for Venessa Kimball:

PtF: Book 1

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Piercing the Fold

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