Cover Reveal: Love is Lethal by David Chios & Nely Cab

T hey Love me enough to give me Life. 
Imagination is key in any romance. 

Most romantic will agree that the right  gesture, as simple as can be, is enough to win them over. In this collection, I share the poems written by me for but a few of the many that have touched me in this way. I am alive in their imaginations and in their hearts, and that is more life than I could ever ask for. 

David Chios was born into a little girl’s dreams when she was 10 years old—being about the same age as she. Through the years, he resided in the girl’s mind as only a dream. It wasn’t until the birth of the novel Creatura that David set foot in the real world to tell Isis’s and his story. Today, David resides within the reveries of many, working diligently to take over their hearts.
Occasionally, David still drops in to visit Nely Cab in her dreams.

Learn More About  Creatura by Nely Cab:" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The Rafflecopter link doesn't seem to be working for me. Not sure if anyone else is having that problem.


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